NISA &  CO.,  proudly believes that  stoppage/arresting the water leakage is a perception  and not merely a mason work.  Each and every leakage is carefully examined , understood and conceived to deliver an effective and long lasting solution through which the customer obtains a satisfied and beneficial return on his investment made to stop the leakages.  The success of Waterproofing greatly depends on  careful examination of  the  right area of leakage and right method of application.

At NISA &  CO., solutions to most of the water leakage problems  are provided, within short span, without breaking the  respective construction/structure,  by using different methods such as Crystallization; Epoxy treatment; PU Membrane Coating; Polymer Modified Coating,  Acrylic Coating, etc.

Bathroom and Sump waterproofing work is carried out and completed within a span of 4-6 hours, without breaking the tiles/structure.

It’s a challenge for us to stop any type of leakage right from sump to dam, terrace to underground.
