FBC/FPC Systems - Types

Comercial (750 LPD- 5000 LPD)

THERMOSYPHON (Natural flow):In Thermosyphon water from the collector circulates from the tank to the Collector and back to the tank by its own movement due to specific gravity difference between hot water and cold water. Thermosyphon system can be recommended up to maximum 2500 liters capacity.

FBC/FPC Systems - Types

FORCED-CIRCULATION:In forced circulation system water is pumped from cold water tank to the collector with the help of a pump. The pump is set to start and stop, depending upon the temperature of the hot water in the collectors. Once the temperature of the water in the collectors reaches at desired level, the pump automatically switches on and pumps the hot water in the tank and collectors are filled with.

Cold water for further heating. This cycle is repeated continuously till the water attains the set temperature. The hot water is stored in the hot water tank. In general, this type of system is recommended for capacity greater than 2500 liters.

FBC/FPC Systems - Types

INDIRECT HEATING : Ideally suited for hard water areas, in this system there is a provision for two inner containers, one for raw water and other from distilled water. Distilled water which fills the collector and container gets heated due to solar radiation. Then, thermo syphon causes the distilled water to heat the inner container containing raw water.

PRESSURIZED SWH: Most suitable for pressure applications. Solar water heaters are designed to withstand high working pressure of 5 kgf (6.0 bar ) and testing pressure of 7kgf (8.4 bar ).Systems can be customized to meet any pressure required.

TURBO INSTALLATION: In this installation, multiple capacities of Systems are connected in Turbo. Hot water outlet of one modular system is connected to the cold water inlet of other modular system. Number of such modular systems in turbo depends upon total required capacity of the solar water heating system. In parallel arrangement cold water inlets and hot water outlets of all the collectors are connected to common cold water and hot water pipes respectively. Depending upon the individual usage pattern a combination of turbo and parallel can be used. For example: A 2000 LPD system can have two 1000 LPD modular systems connected in turbo/parallel as mentioned above..

FBC/FPC Systems - Types

Turbo installation for 2000 litre system containing two 1000 ltrs systems connected in series
